Teeth Whitening
in Midtown East, NY

Madison Dental Arts provides teeth whitening services in New York, NY. Call 212-532-1400 to learn more and schedule your appointment. 

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures for one simple reason: most people experience stains or discoloration on their teeth at some point in their lives. This is because there are many potential causes of stains, ranging from drinking coffee, smoking, and certain medications. Even the natural aging process can make your teeth appear more yellow. Teeth whitening is an affordable way to make a dramatic difference in your appearance.

Smiling Teeth Whitening Patient in Midtown East, NYC

We offer both in-office bleaching and at-home bleaching kits to brighten your smile. For the most noticeable results in the shortest amount of time, opt for in-office teeth whitening treatment. This procedure can whiten your teeth several shades in a single hour-long office visit. We use a protective gel or shield to prevent soft tissue damage to your gums and lips, then apply a carbamide peroxide bleaching agent to your teeth. A light activates the whitening agent for enhanced results.

At-home bleaching is also effective for achieving whiter teeth, but to get the same results may take several weeks. We’ll create a custom mouth guard for you that holds carbide peroxide whitening gel against your teeth. You’ll be provided with instructions on when to wear your mouth guard, how long, and how much gel to use. At-home bleaching is an affordable solution for correcting mild stains or for maintaining the results of in-office bleaching treatments.

Very often the best solution is a combination of the above, where we do the in-office procedure but also make custom take home trays for you to use to boost the whitening and to use as long term maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening

How much does it cost to get your teeth professionally whitened?

The cost of our in-office teeth whitening treatments is $750,(this includes an at home kit as well) while an at-home bleaching kit is 500 . While professional teeth whitening is more costly than store-bought solutions, it also produces better results that last longer. With the supervision of a dentist, you’re less likely to damage  the soft tissue in your mouth or experience prolonged tooth sensitivity.

How can I whiten my teeth at home?

In-office bleaching isn’t for everyone. If you’d rather whiten your teeth at home, we offer an at-home bleaching kit with custom-made trays and a professional-grade whitening gel for optimal results.

Can yellow teeth become white?

Yes, no matter how stained or discolored your teeth are, there’s a whitening solution that can brighten your smile. If bleaching is not a fit for your needs, cosmetic bonding or dental veneers can also correct teeth that are yellow, gray, or brown.

How can I instantly whiten my teeth?

Any at-home treatment you use to whiten your teeth will take some time to produce results. The fastest option for teeth whitening is in-office bleaching performed by a dentist.

How do I keep my teeth white?

After your whitening treatment, be sure to brush for two minutes twice a day, floss at least once a day, and visit the dentist for cleanings every six months. When you drink tea, coffee, or red wine, be sure to brush or rinse with water afterwards. Use at-home whitening treatments to maintain your results whenever your teeth need a touch-up.

Call 212-532-1400 to schedule your appointment.